Meridian Therapy

经络疗法利用传统中医原理来平衡身体的能量通道。通过沿经络的定点压力和刺激,旨在改善整体健康,缓解疼痛,并促进身心灵的幸福感。 Meridian Therapy utilizes traditional Chinese medicine principles to balance the body’s energy pathways. Aims to improve overall health, alleviate pain, and promote a sense of well-being through targeted pressure and stimulation along the meridians.
Swedish Massage

享受流畅的推拿,缓解紧张,促进循环。通过这种经典疗法使身心灵恢复活力。 Relax with flowing strokes, tension relief, improved circulation. Rejuvenate your body and mind with this classic therapy.
Chakra Massage

通过我们的脉轮按摩,实现身心灵的和谐。平衡能量,恢复活力,追求整体健康。 Harmonize mind and body with our Chakra Massage for Women. Balance energies and restore vitality for holistic well-being.